This was cross sectional descriptive study was carried out in 53 patient refered to Om durman ultra soud depart ment from June (2016 )to October(2116)with symptom of BPH and ultra sound examination was done using transabdominltransduser with different ultrasound machines.The objective of this study to evaluate benign prosatic hyper plasia using ultra sound.
This study showed that 53 patient their ages ranging between (42- 87) years and most affected age (61-70) Years (22)(41.5%).
Themeanprostate specificantigen (PSA)is(9,7)ng/mlrangingfrom(4)ng/ml to(26)ng/ml.
Son ographic appearance of 53 patient with BPH show the mean prostate volume is(83)g with normal capsule(33)(62,3%), hydronephrosis and calcification are least common in BPH patients(5)(9.4)%(11)(20.8)% respectively.
There was Strong positive correlation between pt age and prostate volume andStrong significant correlation between prostate specific antigen and prostate volume .
Finally the study findings revealed that (TAS) was an effective imaging modality in evaluate benign prostatic hyper plasia. The study recommended thatmore studies should be conducted using T.R.U.S