In 4G system there are many services can be offered to the users, and effective resource management will lead to give them a proper quality of services they require. A hotspot cell is an important problem faced the network providers and prevents the users to have the proper service they demand due to the scarcity of the resources caused by the heavy load in the cell. Research is focusing on hotspot cell problem and finds a way through adaptive handover time scheme to reduce the number of the hotspot cells .Adaptive handover time scheme effectively manage the resources in the cells through borrowing the resources from the coldspot to the hotspot cell considering the status of the both the current serving and target cells. The improvement in the system achieved is shown in the simulation using the Matlab. the results are achieved in parameters that improved the system and enhanced the performance comparing to the conventional scheme , including the resource utilization increased by 192.2%, blocking probability reduced by 24.2%,diminish the delay time by 4.7% and also QoS parameters such as data rate ,throughput raised by 139% ,165% respectively , reduction of packet delay and jitter by 27% ,28% respectively .