As PLCs are now involved in most industrial processes, there
for, development of a program to handle the control of a
Double Column Lathe Vertical Machine will reduce
maintenance rate and enhance machine performance.
Further, a sigle PLC unit may control more than one motor
via programming extra inputs and outputs already
implemented in the PLC or simply by attaching additional
input/output modules. The aim of this study is to control a
Double Column Lathe Vertical Machine, using programmable
logic controller (PLC) instead of conventional control.
The proposed control system will be equipped with S7_300
CPU controller, digital I/O module, and digital drives for DC
motors and human machine interface (HMI).The
communication between system components through
Profibus. The system is programmmed with statement list
language (STL). The Siemens Simatic Maneger and Win CC
Flexible are used to configure the hardware and for
simulating the operation.