Kidney function is affectable by ischemic heart disease and labratory test for renal function test is measuring urea and creatinine level in the blood . the use of ultrasonography give a real time image for shape , size and pathology of the kidney. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of ischemic heart disease on the renal size using ultrasound and compare the result with blood test ( urea and creatinine level ) , to measure this effect with age , gender and some ischemic heart disease risk factor ( diabetic , hypertention ) in order to reduse the mortality rate of ischemic heart disease . ultrasound examination were performed by an expert radiologist in abdominal ultrasound for 58 known ishemic heart disease ( diagnosed by cardiologist ) 38 male – 20 female. blood test ( urea – creatinine ) also done. 26 patients are having diabetes millitus and 26 patients having hypertention , 16 patients have both diabetes and hypertension , 22 patients niether diabetic nor hypertensive. The result showed that The Right kidney length and Left kidney length decreases as age increase, while urea and creatinine increases as age increases and there are statistically significant differences between male and female in (Left kidney width), there are statistically significant differences between diabetics and non-diabetics in (Left kidney length and Urea), there are statistically significant differences between hypertensive and non-hypertensive in (Left kidney length) and there are statistically significant differences between both diabetic and hypertensive group and non-diabetic nor hypertensive group in (Left kidney length and urea).The study recommend for Promote public awareness in developing countries about the nature of ischemic heart disease and early signs for this disease and kidney disease along with patient with history of hypertension and diabetes and control of these risk factors .