This study was conducted to determine the presence of antibiotic residues in
cattle milk in Khartoum state, as these residues may have a negative impact on
human’s health.
Milk samples were randomly collected from two sources; the first source was dairy
farms while the second source was dairy sale centers, markets and hawkers
In Omdurman city 26 samples were collected from dairy farms and 18 samples
from the markets ,white while in Khartoum city 24 samples were collected from
dairy farms and 23 samples were from markets .As for Khartoum North 24
samples were collected from dairy farms and 8samples were from markets.
All these samples were tested for the presence of residues of antibiotics by using
the inhibitory activity and the micro-biological methods. A strain of bacteria
Bacillus subtilis was used and cultured in agar media, while milk samples were
placed on cavities of the agar.
Chi- square test was used for comparison between different localities and between
farms and markets samples at 5% probability level to determine the percentage of
antibiotic residues.
Among the milk samples collected from Omdurman, one sample from the dairy
farms and one sample from the market were found positive, while in the samples
collected form Khartoum only one sample from dairy farms was found positive.
All sample of from Khartoum North were negative.