The study aims to analyze the relationship between market orientation (market information) and market innovation and its impact to export performance of vegetable and fruits through mediating relationship, that support explaining environmental factors with export performance. As it mediation above, the purpose of this study, is detailing the impact of relationship with each other and how it support export performance. This research follows a descriptive analytical method to shed light on the performance of the Sudanese export market of vegetables and fruit. So the data have been collected from the study population which consists of seventeen export agencies, and then the sample of the study was composed of eleven agencies. Two hundred and twelve (211) questionnaire papers were delivered to the exporters, importers and markers from each agency using random sampling and (196) valid papers were obtained for the analysis. To answer the questions of the study, the researcher has followed Likert approach which consists of five degrees. The SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) program was used in the statistical processes.
Results of this study have shown that, there is a relationship which has vital impact between orientation and innovation with export performance. It’s also, shown that, is existing environmental factors between orientation and innovation with export performance, that reduces the relationship between ordination and innovation with export performance. The future studies should take care about important role which has been done by the environmental factors with export performance, also future studies should apply the results of this study on other sectors of the export.
Key word: Environmental factors, Export Performance, Market Innovation, Market orientation,